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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2022

👉Shredded Bark

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Organic mulch is such a wonderful solution that doesn't cost you a cent. You even can choose any types of mulch which comes from a free source in your own yard waste. Below is 👉Shredded Bark that we recommend along with its pros and cons for you to consider: If you have drip irrigation under the mulch or you're living in wet areas, shredded bark or bark mulch that you can get from fallen leaves is best used. You just need a lawnmower and a bag to collect shredded leaves and lay them on top of the soil beneath. Shredded leaves are not considered the most attractive mulch but you can still add them in the spring to welcome a wonderful summer. Leaf mulch is high in nutrients but shredded bark should be replaced frequently. Or you can use the unshredded leaves to make the soil more compacted - prevent rainfall from past to the soil. You can lay the mulch layer of 2 - 3 inches. ✅Advantages: it is inexpensive and free of weed seeds, adds organic matter, resists soil compaction, and ...


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Organic mulch is such a wonderful solution that doesn't cost you a cent. You even can choose any types of mulch which comes from a free source in your own yard waste. Below is 👉Compost that we recommend along with its pros and cons for you to consider: In most gardens, compost is commonly used as mulch although the quantitative a garden requires might not be economical. The compost is a mixture of organic matter including grass clippings, fallen leaves, food waste, and manure. Compared to other types of mulch, compost contains much higher nutrients for the soil. We really recommend compost for almost all gardeners because compost can protect the plant roots from extreme weather, insulate the soil and improve the soil texture. In addition, compost also works well with other types of organic layers. Applying a thin layer of 1 - 2 inches above the top of the soil in vegetable or garden beds, then go over a different mulch, such as bark mulches. ✅Advantages: it is inexpensive and free...

👉Straw Mulch

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Organic mulch is such a wonderful solution that doesn't cost you a cent. You even can choose any types of mulch which comes from a free source in your own yard waste. Below is 👉Straw Mulch that we recommend along with its pros and cons for you to consider: Straw mulch is an ideal organic mulch for vegetable gardens, especially newly seeded lawns. Although straw is not the most attractive mulch, it keeps the soil moist in the summer and keeps warm in the cold weather. Also, it provides a home for spiders and some beneficial insects in order for farmers easily to put them under control. Once the grain is harvested, straw is the dry stalks of grain. The decomposing process of straw is quite slow when you put down the organic mulch in the spring, it can last over the whole growing season and save you a bunch of time. Lay a straw layer of 2 - 3 inches in depth. ✅Advantages: protect lawn seeds from being washed away in the newly seeded lawns, and deter rodents and birds from eating thes...

👉Hay Mulch

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Organic mulch is such a wonderful solution that doesn't cost you a cent. You even can choose any types of mulch which comes from a free source in your own yard waste. Below is 👉Hay Mulch that we recommend along with its pros and cons for you to consider: Hay is often used in some regions where the farming system includes almost all of the hay production. You must choose and use hay so carefully so that it will benefit the soil quality without any mistakes. Hay contains more drawbacks that its advantages, however, it is best for small-scale plantings with a thickness of 3 - 4 inches. ✅Advantages: moderate the soil temperatures, prevent soil erosion, allow rain and air to reach the soil, and provide the habitat for weed seed consumers. ❌Disadvantages: could not suppress weeds completely but even contain some weed seeds or herbicide residues, build up excessive soil K levels, and keep the soil too wet/cold that slowing down the growth of plants. Here is some information for your refe...

👉Pine Needles

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Organic mulch is such a wonderful solution that doesn't cost you a cent. You even can choose any types of mulch which comes from a free source in your own yard waste. Below is 👉Pine Needles that we recommend along with its pros and cons for you to consider: Pine needles (known as pine straw) are a light mulch layer that is best for orchards, especially blueberries. Pine needles are low nutrients but more persistent than hardwood leaves. If you have some pine trees in your garden, rake some fallen leaves up and use them as pine needles mulch completely free. Pine needles are especially best for trees with low pHs like tomatoes, blueberries, carrots, and cauliflowers. Pine needles have a long lifespan which could last to 2 years. Over time, they will neutralize so you don't have to be afraid that these mulch layers will acidify your soil permanently. The perfect mulch depth is about 2.5 to 4 inches. And it is better to lay these organic mulches in annual, perennial, and acid-lov...

👉Bark and Wood Chips

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Organic mulch is such a wonderful solution that doesn't cost you a cent. You even can choose any types of mulch which comes from a free source in your own yard waste. Below is Bark and Wood Chips that we recommend along with its pros and cons for you to consider: Bark and wood chips are common types of mulch at suppressing weeds and create a beautiful look in doing so. They are so excellent that they make the effect to prevent weed growth, erosion, and insulate the soil. You can get wood chips for free from aged bark at the flower garden in many sizes. Inside the wood chips, they contain tree bark, leaves, and inner wood. Because of its diversity in sizes and texture, wood chip mulch helps to reduce the compaction and increase biological diversity so that the soil health could be improved in the long term. Wood chippings decay to create the best mulch for trees and shrubs, or flower beds. You should lay the mulch depth of about 2 - 4 inches, depending on its size and type, and the ...

Types of Organic Mulches (part 1 )

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Organic mulch is such a wonderful solution that doesn't cost you a cent. You even can choose any types of mulch which comes from a free source in your own yard waste. Below are some types of organic mulch that we recommend for you to consider: 👉Bark and Wood Chips 👉Pine Needles 👉Hay Mulch 👉Straw Mulch 👉Compost 👉Shredded Bark 👉Cocoa Hulls 👉Grass Clippings If you're still not sure which one is good for your garden, let landscape professionals help you to examine and indicate what your landscape is seeking. For more information about Green Arbor Landscaping, here you are: Phone call: (206) 265-2940 Email: info@greenarborlandscaping.com Site: https://greenarborlandscaping.com/

The Benefits of Organic Mulches (part 2 )

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You will absolutely be surprised by a ton of benefits of using organic mulches to improve soil structure and how it provides nutrients for your plants! ✅Protect from Extreme Soil Temperatures When you're living in a place where the weather is so extreme that you're worried whether your vegetable plants could live over those days. And organic mulch is a solution! It acts like an insulator that helps soil cool and moisture during the heat of summer and keeps the soil from freezing in the winter. However, if you're living in a cold climate, gardeners will avoid using organic mulches because they will prevent soil from warming up and reaching the sun's rays. In this case, a landscape fabric or plastic mulch would be better. ✅Keep Plants Clean By filling the empty spaces around the plants, a mulch would reduce the chance of soil splashing onto leaves. This means you can feel safe when cutting down a significant amount of soil-borne plant diseases and give a decorative look t...

The Benefits of Organic Mulches (part 1)

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You will absolutely be surprised by a ton of benefits of using organic mulches to improve soil structure and how it provides nutrients for your plants! ✅Prevent Weed Seeds An organic mulch won't eliminate weeds completely but keep them under shaded and moist. This will help you save time to pull weed roots easily. Whenever weed seeds germinate under the mulch, they don't get any light and moisture to grow as other plants. A thick layer of mulch acts as a barrier to discourage weeds to reach sunlight. In this way, you will control weeds as much as you can in the future. It is so much easier to pull weed away. ✅Keep the Soil Moisture When covering the soil with a mulch layer, the evaporation of water will proceed much slower. This means you won't need to water regularly since the organic mulch helps conserve soil moisture in the soil and reduce the cost of watering in your house. Here is some information for your reference, if you have any questions, please contact GREEN ARBO...